Random Lore

This section will get updated as the players encounter the world

Polta Fruit 

A wild growing fruit found throughout Arda wherever there are forests and sufficient rainfall. Polta fruit is often distilled into healing potions - the longer it is aged the stronger the potion will be. Even in its raw form it has mild healing properties. 


Lesser deities or angels, many were slain during the sundering war. 


Siren like creatures that inhabit any sufficiently deep bodies of water. Usually content to remain in the depths, storms will often draw them to the surface to hunt. 


Lighter than steel or iron, and even stronger, Mithríl is a much vaunted resource for arms and armour, and accepts enchantments more readily than most any other material. Found in very few locations in Arda, those who can source it often acquire much wealth and power


Less than man but more than beasts, these animistic spirits often bind themselves to one individual, and behave much like a familiar.